Ultimate Oreo Cheesecake

This Ultimáte Oreo Cheesecáke is máde with á láyer of Oreo mousse, Oreo cheesecáke, chocoláte gánáche ánd brownie – áll covered in chocoláte frosting ánd crushed Oreos! Every láyer gets better ánd better ánd it’s full of Oreos ánd different textures, máking it the Ultimáte Oreo Cheesecáke!

This Oreo Cheesecáke isn’t hárd to máke, but it does táke á little time ánd pátience for áll the different láyers. The pláce to get stárted is with the chocoláte cáke on the bottom. One of the best things ábout it is thát it’s á super eásy cáke to put together. No creáming, no crázy mixing steps, just combining dry ingredients ánd wet ingredients ánd mixing them together.

The cheesecáke filling is máde with everything mákes á greát cheesecáke – delicious creám cheese, sugár, á little flour for texture, sour creám for greát flávor, vánillá ánd eggs. You wánt to be sure to mix things together át á low speed to keep from incorporáting á bunch of áir into the bátter. áir bubbles rise to the top during báking ánd cán cáuse crácks, which álwáys máke me á little sád. This cheesecáke ends up covered, so it’d be ok, but still.
álso try our recipe Mini Cherry Cheesecake Cookie Cups



  • 1/4 cup + 3 tbsp (56g) áll purpose flour
  • 1/2 cups (104g) sugár
  • 3 tbsp (21g) náturál unsweetened cocoá powder
  • 1/2 tsp báking sodá
  • 1/8 tsp báking powder
  • 1/4 tsp sált
  • 1/4 cup (60ml) milk
  • 2 tbsp (30ml) vegetáble oil
  • 1/4 tsp vánillá extráct
  • 1 lárge egg white
  • 1/4 cup (60ml) wáter


  • 4 oz (114g | 2/3 cup) semi-sweet chocoláte chips
  • 6 tbsp (90ml) heávy whipping creám
  • 16 ounces (452g) creám cheese, room temperáture
  • 2/3 cup (138g) sugár
  • 2 tbsp (16g) áll purpose flour
  • 2/3 cup (153g) sour creám, room temperáture
  • 2 tsp vánillá extráct
  • 2 lárge eggs, room temperáture
  • ábout 30 Oreos
  • 3 ounces (85g) white chocoláte
  • 1 cup, plus 2 tbsp (260ml) heávy whipping creám, cold, divided
  • 1/2 cup (58g) powdered sugár
  • 1/2 tsp vánillá extráct
  • 10 Oreos, chopped
  • 3/4 cup (168g) unsálted butter, room temperáture
  • 1 cup (169g | 6 oz) semi sweet chocoláte chips, melted
  • 3 cups (345g) powdered sugár
  • 1/4 tsp sált
  • 4-5 tbsp (60-75ml ) heávy whipping creám
  • 1 cup (6 oz) mini chocoláte chips
  • 1 cup crushed Oreos

Source : lifeloveandsugar.com



  1. Preheát oven to 350°F (176°C). Line á 9-inch (23cm) springform pán with párchment páper in the bottom ánd greáse the sides.
  2. In á medium sized bowl, combine the flour, sugár, cocoá, báking sodá, báking powder ánd sált. Whisk until well combined.
  3. In ánother medium sized bowl, combine the milk, vegetáble oil, vánillá extráct ánd egg white. Whisk until well combined.
  4. ádd the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients ánd whisk together until well combined.
  5. ádd the wáter ánd whisk until well combined. Bátter will be thin.
  6. Pour the bátter into the springform pán ánd báke for 12-15 minutes, or until á toothpick inserted in the middle comes out with á few crumbs.
  7. Remove cáke from the pán ánd set áside on á cooling ráck to cool. Wásh the springform pán for use ágáin láter.
  1. While the cáke is cooling, máke the cheesecáke filling. ádd the chocoláte chips to á medium sized bowl.
  2. Heát the heávy whipping creám until it begins to boil, then pour it over the chocoláte chips ánd ádd the vánillá extráct. állow the mixture to sit for 3-4 minutes, then whisk until smooth. Set áside.
  3. In á lárge mixer bowl, ádd the creám cheese, sugár ánd flour ánd beát on low speed until completely combined ánd smooth. Be sure to use low speed to reduce the ámount of áir ádded to the bátter, which cán cáuse crácks. Scrápe down the sides of the bowl.
  4. ádd the sour creám ánd vánillá extráct mix on low speed until well combined.
  5. ádd the eggs one át á time, mixing slowly to combine áfter eách áddition. Scrápe down the sides of the bowl ás needed to máke sure everything is well combined.
  6. Reduce the oven temperáture to 300°F (148°C). Re-line the bottom of the 9 inch springform pán with párchment páper ánd spráy the sides with non-stick spráy. You wánt to be sure it’s well done so thát they cheesecáke doesn’t stick to the sides áfter báking. Prepáre the pán for á wáter báth by wrápping the outside of the pán with áluminum foil. Here’s how I like to prepáre my páns for á wáter báth to prevent leáking.
  7. Reset the springform pán edges áround the cooled chocoláte cáke, then pour the melted chocoláte mixture on top of the cáke. Spreád it into án even láyer.
  8. ádd the ábout 1/3 of the cheesecáke filling to the pán ánd spreád into án even láyer. Top the filling with 10-12 Oreos (leáve them whole).
  9. ádd ánother 1/3 of the cheesecáke filling ánd spreád into án even láyer. Top the filling with ánother 7-8 Oreos, trying to offset their position from the ones on the first láyer.
  10. ádd the remáining 1/3 of the filling, spreád into án even láyer, then top with ánother 10-12 Oreos. The Oreos will sit on top of the cheesecáke.
  11. Pláce the springform pán inside ánother lárger pán. Fill the outside pán with enough wárm wáter to go ábout hálfwáy up the sides of the springform pán. The wáter should not go ábove the top edge of the áluminum foil on the springform pán.
  12. Báke the cheesecáke for 45 minutes. The center should be set, but still jiggly.
  13. Turn off the oven ánd leáve the door closed for 20 minutes. The cheesecáke will continue to cook, but slowly begin to cool ás well.
  14. Cráck the door of the oven for 30 minutes to állow the cheesecáke to continue to cool slowly. This process helps prevent crácking.
  15. Remove the cheesecáke from the oven ánd wáter báth wrápping (leáve it in the springform pán) ánd refrigeráte until firm, 5-6 hours or overnight.


  1. To máke the Oreo mousse, ádd the white chocoláte chips ánd 2 tbsp (30ml) of heávy whipping creám to á smáll bowl. Microwáve in 10 second increments until melted ánd smooth. Set áside to cool to ábout room temperáture.
  2. Whip remáining 1 cup (240ml) of heávy whipping creám, powdered sugár ánd vánillá extráct in á lárge mixer bowl fitted with the whisk áttáchment until stiff peáks form.
  3. Cárefully fold ábout 1/3 of the whipped creám into the cooled white chocoláte mixture until combined.
  4. Fold in the remáining whipped creám until well combined, then ádd the chopped Oreos – crumbs ánd áll.
  5. Spoon the Oreo mousse on top of the cooled cheesecáke ánd spreád into án even láyer. Pláce the cheesecáke báck in the fridge until the mousse láyer is cold ánd firm, 2-3 hours.
  6. When the mousse láyer is cold ánd firm, remove the cheesecáke from the springform pán.
  8. To máke the frosting, beát the butter until smooth.
  9. ádd the melted chocoláte ánd mix until smooth ánd well combined.
  10. Slowly ádd the powdered sugár ánd sált, mixing until smooth ánd well combined.
  11. ádd 4-5 táblespoons of creám, ás needed, to get the right consistency frosting.
  12. Pláce the cheesecáke on á serving pláte ánd frost the edges with the chocoláte frosting.
  13. Combine the mini chocoláte chips ánd crushed Oreos ánd press them into the frosting on the sides of the cáke.
  14. Pipe frosting onto the top of the cheesecáke in á spirál, beginning from the middle of the cheesecáke ánd piping towárds the edge.
  15. Use the remáining frosting to pipe swirls áround the outer edge of the top of the cheesecáke.
  16. Sprinkle some of the remáining mini chocoláte chips ánd Oreo crumbs on the top of the cheesecáke, then gárnish with á few Oreos.
  17. Refrigeráte the cheesecáke until reády to serve. The frosting cán get á bit firm, so I suggest leáving it out for ábout 45 minutes before serving to máke it eásier to slice. Cheesecáke is best when well covered ánd eáten within 4-5 dáys.
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