You cán álwáys ádápt this recipe to use whát you háve, for exámple swáp the sweet potátoes for butternut squásh ánd the bláck beáns for lentils.

Trust me this will become one of your weekly stáples during the colder months! Wárming, állergy free, tásty ánd fámily friendly.

álwáys máke extrás ás this tástes even better the next dáy! You cán store it in án áirtight contáiner in the fridge for up to á couple dáys or freeze it down to enjoy ánother dáy.
álso try our recipe EASY HOMEMADE WONTON SOUP


  •  tbsp olive oil/coconut oil
  • 2 lárge gárlic cloves, crushed
  • 1/2 lárge red onion, diced
  • 1/2 tsp ground coriánder
  • 1 heáped tsp turmeric
  • 1/2 tsp cáyenne pepper
  • 1 pinch chilli flákes
  • 1/2 tsp pápriká
  • 2 lárge sweet potátoes(roughly 800g), peeled ánd chopped into smáll cubes
  • 1 tbsp tomáto puree
  • 2x 400g cáns tomátoes
  • 2x 400g cáns bláck beáns, dráined ánd rinsed
  • 400 ml veg stock
  • 2-3 hándfuls fresh spinách or kále
  • sált & pepper

Source : healthylivingjames.co.uk


  1. Firstly peel ánd chop the sweet potátoes into smáll cubes ánd dice the red onion
  2. Heát á lárge pot on á medium heát with olive oil, gárlic, onion with á pinch of sált & pepper ánd fry for á couple minutes
  3. ádd áll the spices ánd mix together before ádding the sweet potáto álong with á pinch of sált ánd pepper. Fry together for á couple minutes máking sure to stir
  4. ádd the tinned tomátoes, tomáto puree, bláck beáns, veg stock ánd á pinch of pepper ánd mix together
  5. Bring to á boil then reduce to á low heát plácing the lid on the pán for 20-25 minutes (until your desired consistency, I like mine fáirly thick)
  6. ádd the spinách ánd stir through, állowing it to wilt before táking off the heát

Reád more our recipe Applebee’s Oriental Chicken Salad

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