Easy Unicorn Poop Cookies #dessert #party

Easy Unicorn Poop Cookies #dessert #party

You'll be a hotshot when you appear at the following birthday or sleep party with these overly fun unicorn poop treats!

I don't know whether you missed the reminder or not, but rather unicorns are at present extremely popular. Or on the other hand perhaps they just never lost their cool. In any case, these simple unicorn crap treats will rapidly turn into your most loved treat to make. Moreover, how fun is it to state "unicorn crap?" Just consider how amusing your kiddos will think you are the point at which you keep on saying unicorn crap again and again.

Making these too simple (and scrumptious!) unicorn crap treats is the ideal method to get minimal ones progressively engaged with the kitchen. My young ladies wouldn't quit chuckling when I revealed to them what we were making, and obviously, they couldn't hang tight to impart the senseless news to their companions. 

Also try our recipe Unicorn Sundae

Easy Unicorn Poop Cookies #dessert #party

You will be a superstar when you show up to the next birthday party, slumber party or anywhere else with these super fun unicorn poop cookies!


  • Wilton 3-Color Swirl Coupler
  • 2 Egg whites
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/8 tsp. cotton candy extract (or flavoring of your choice)
  • Food Coloring—blue, pink, purple


  1. Preheat oven to 175 degrees. 
  2. Beat egg whites on high until stiff peaks form, which is usually about two minutes or so.
  3. Add ½ cup of powdered sugar and beat until glossy and stiff. (about five minutes)
  4. Gently fold in the remaining powdered sugar and the extract until well combined.
  5. Separate meringue into three separate bowls, add a few drops of food coloring to each bowl and gently fold.
  6. Fill three icing bags with each color and attach the 3-color coupler.
  7. Pipe the meringue into small little “piles” on a parchment lined cookie sheet.
  8. Bake for 1-1 ½ hours, or until dry to the touch.
  9. Allow them to cool, and enjoy these magical little treats!

Read more our recipe Pumkin Pie Milkshake

Source : https://bit.ly/2UqTp2m

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