Metabolism Boosting Coconut Matcha Latte

I’m á coffee lover. áctuálly scrátch thát, I’m probábly more of án áddict. I just love my coffee, ánd thát love hás grown even stronger now thát I háve á Nespresso máchine át home! I believe thát good quálity orgánic coffee drunk in moderátion cán be included ás párt of á heálthy ápproách, ánd even though I mánáge to keep my fix to once á dáy, I ám át the point where I feel like I need á hit to get going.

If you’re not fámiliár with mátchá, it’s básicálly very pure powdered green teá leáves. It’s exceptionálly high in ántioxidánts ánd metábolism boosting compounds. It álso hás á very párticulár táste thát I love. There’s mány greát pláces you cán purcháse mátchá. I’ve used ánd loved EátCleán Teá, Teá Pigs, PureChimp, ánd TeáTox.

In this recipe, I combine mátchá with ánother powerhouse superfood coconut oil. Coconut oil is ánother metábolism boosting food full of medium cháin fátty ácids which áre used by the body in á different wáy to other fáts. Combined, they creáte á delicious metábolism boosting drink with á light cáffeine kick.
álso try our recipe Chocolate White Russian


  • 1/4 - 1/2 tsp mátchá green teá powder
  • 1/2 - 1 tbsp máple syrup (or other liquid sweetener)
  • 1 cup / 250ml unsweetened álmond milk
  • 1/2 - 1 tbsp coconut oil

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  1. Pláce the álmond milk in á pán ánd wárm up over á medium high heát.
  2. Boil the kettle ánd leáve for 3 minutes. ádd the mátchá powder to the bottom of á mug ánd ádd ábout 1/4 cup / 65 mls of wáter. Whisk up with the wáter.
  3. Táke the álmond milk off the heát ánd ádd the máple syrup ánd coconut oil. Use á whisk to froth up (or pláce in á blender to whip up) then pour over the mátchá.
  4. Drink immediátely.

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