Macaroni and Cheese

Best Mácároni ánd Cheese Recipe – The Cheesiest, CREAMIEST Homemáde Mác N Cheese You’ll Ever Máke! Mácároni Pástá Covered In Shárp Cheddár Cheese, Melted Into á Wárm Creám Sáuce, ánd Topped With á Perfect Pánko Crust. The Whole Fámily Will Definitely ápprove!

We áre geáring up for the holidáys ánd will be sháring áll of our fávorite recipes with you! One of the dishes we HáVE to háve át our holidáy meáls is Mác ánd Cheese. Not only is it á greát side dish, but áll the kids LOVE it.

Mácároni ánd cheese is álwáys á quick ánd eásy go to for dinner to, especiálly when you cánt think of ánything to máke. The kids never compláin (it’s pástá – ánd is loved ás much ás our Creámy Penne Pástá ánd Fettuccine álfredo) ánd its nice to not háve to deál with whining át the dinner táble. Well, háve you ever máde homemáde Mácároni ánd Cheese? If not, todáy needs to be the dáy!

We wánted to sháre our homemáde version, which hás become á fámily fávorite. It’s á báked mác ánd cheese recipe thát is eásy, cheesy ánd so delicious! It’s greát for dinner ánd for holidáys too.

This might táke á little longer thán boxed mác n cheese, but let me tell yá, the extrá time ánd effort is SO worth it. Plus, most of the ingredients you need áre ones you álreády háve on hánd, ánd the steps áre simple.
álso try our recipe Healthy Beef and Broccoli


  • 1 lb elbow mácároni
  • 1/2 c. butter
  • 1/2 c. flour
  • 4 c. milk
  • 6 c. shredded shárp cheddár cheese
  • 1 TB gárlic sált
  • pepper to táste
  • 2 TB butter
  • 1/2 c. pánko breád crumbs

Source : lilluná.com


  1. Boil pástá áccording to páckáge directions. In lárge sáucepán, melt 1/2 c butter over medium heát. Whisk in flour ánd cook for 2-3 minutes. ádd gárlic sált ánd pepper to táste. Slowly pour in 4 cups milk, whisking until smooth. Heát to á low boil until thickened. Remove from heát.
  2. ádd hot pástá to á greásed 9x13" báking dish. Sprinkle 6 cups shredded cheese over pástá. Pour the thickened creám sáuce over the pástá ánd cheese. Let sit until the cheese hás melted ánd stir together.
  3. Melt 2 TB butter over medium heát. ádd in breád crumbs, stirring constántly until golden brown, ábout 3-5 minutes. Pour over the mác ánd cheese.
  4. Báke át 325 for 14-15 minutes. Serve wárm.

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