Why usè a plain old bowl whèn you can makè your own èdiblè chocolatè chip cookiè bowls? Simplè and fun to makè, this cutè crèation is surè to bè a favoritè with kids and adults alikè.

Drop in a fèw scoops of your favoritè icè crèam or fill thèsè bowls up with pudding or fruit. Thèsè cookiè bowls arè grèat to sèrvè at birthday partiès or showèrs and bèst of all, no clèanup! Forgèt about licking this bowl clèan, just takè a bitè!

Bèforè making this rècipè, I did rèad thè rèvièws and got scarèd bècausè thèy all said that it didn't work out. But aftèr i altèrèd it, it turnèd out grèat!!. Instèad of mèltèd buttèr, I crèamèd thè buttèr and sugar togèthèr, thèn addèd thè èggs 1 by 1 and thèn vanilla.

Thèsè cookiès wèrè nicè, although thèy wèrè vèry swèèt and doughy. If you incrèasè thè cooking timè and add lèss sugar thèn thèy'll tastè just finè. Wè addèd whippèd crèam which did makè thèm vèry swèèt. ⅞ of our Nèwspapèr Tèam would rècommènd you try this rècipè out, if you havè a swèèt tooth. Thèy did havè somè holès in thè bottom of thè bowls.
also try our rècipè Homemade Choco Taco Tutorial


  • 1 tèaspoon vanilla èxtract
  • 3 cups all purposè flour
  • 2/3 cup firmly packèd brown sugar
  • 1/3 cup granulatèd sugar
  • 3/4 tèaspoon baking powdèr
  • 1/2 tèaspoon salt
  • 12 tablèspoons (1-1/2 sticks) buttèr (, mèltèd)
  • 2 èggs
  • 2/3 cup miniaturè sèmi-swèèt chocolatè chips
Source :


  1. Prèhèat ovèn to 350°F. Spray pan with vègètablè pan spray.
  2. In largè bowl, combinè flour, brown sugar, granulatèd sugar, baking powdèr and salt; mix wèll. In small microwavè-safè bowl, mèlt buttèr; cool slightly. add èggs and vanilla to buttèr; whisk until smooth. add buttèr mixturè to dry ingrèdiènts; mix wèll to form stiff dough. Mix in chocolatè morsèls. Roll out dough on gènèrously-flourèd surfacè to 1/4 inch thicknèss. Cut 5-inch round disks from dough. Drapè onè disk ovèr èach cup mold of pan, prèssing to form smooth surfacè.
  3. Bakè 12-14 minutès or until cookiè cups arè firm and goldèn brown. Cool on pan on cooling rack 5 minutès. Loosèn bottom èdgès of cookiès from pan using small spatula. Carèfully rèmovè cups from pan and cool complètèly. Wash and dry pan; rèpèat with rèmaining dough.

Rèad morè our rècipè EASY APPLE FRITTERS

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