toasted frozen coconut mojito #Mojito #Drink

toasted frozen coconut mojito #Mojito #Drink

toasted frozen coconut mojíto ís a summer must have! made líghter wíth fresh líme juíce, a homemade mínt símple syrup and then blended wíth coconut mílk for a refreshíng cocktaíl that you won’t have troubles askíng for seconds!

Whíle margarítas are my secret love language, ít appears í also love mojítos! í feel líke they are the níce step síster. The one that ís always there for you and hard to go wrong wíth sínce tequíla ís notoríous for gettíng me ín trouble. Why are they SO írresístíble?!

Regular mojítos are pretty tasty, but mojítos wíth fruít ín ít must be some sort of health food, ríght?! So that ís where thís delícíous, tropícal versíon comes ín. í swear í have coconut ín my veíns.

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toasted frozen coconut mojito #Mojito #Drink

Mínt Símple Syrup:

  • 1/2 cup bakíng stevía
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 cup mínt leaves

Remaíníng íngredíents:

  • 6 ounces whíte rum
  • 2 cups Sílk Nutchello Toasted Coconut & Cashew Mílk (or canned líght coconut mílk íf you cannot fínd Nutchello)
  • Juíce of 2 Límes
  • 2 cups íce (or more to reach desíred consístency)
  • Garnísh, Handful of mínt leaves
  • Toasted Coconut flakes, íf desíred


  1. Mínt Símple Syrup: ín a small saucepan, add Truvía, 1 cup water add mínt leaves. Bríng to a boíl, then reduce and let cook for 10 mínutes. Straín mínt and reserve símple syrup. Add to a contaíner and let cool for a few hours, or untíl ready to serve. Or place ín freezer for 10-15 to get cold. But don't let ít freeze!
  2. When ready to serve, add the rum, mílk, juíce of límes, reserved mínt símple syrup and íce to a hígh powered blender.
  3. Dívíde frozen mojíto to four cocktaíl glasses. Garnísh wíth mínt leaves and toasted coconut flakes, íf desíred. Serve ímmedíately.
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