Healthy Winter Fruit Salad #fruitbased #vegetarian

Healthy Winter Fruit Salad #fruitbased #vegetarian

What is there not to adore about new, heavenly and wonderful natural product serving of mixed greens? Stacked with supplements and nutrients we as a whole need amid virus winter months. This serving of mixed greens is so natural to make however is such an appealing expansion to your table. Furthermore, a solid nibble whenever the day.

This Winter Salad covered with my most loved citrus poppy seed dressing, is similarly as scrumptious and overwhelming. What is there not to adore about crisp and wonderful organic product plate of mixed greens? Stacked with supplements and nutrients we as a whole need amid virus winter months.

This plate of mixed greens is so natural to make however is such an alluring expansion to your table. Furthermore, a solid nibble whenever the day. The serving is sufficiently enormous to sustain a group, yet in the event that you require littler parts, basically partition the formula fixings. To the extent natural product goes, the plate of mixed greens is similarly as new the following day, so on the off chance that you have remains recently keep it canvassed in the cooler and appreciate once more.

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Healthy Winter Fruit Salad #fruitbased #vegetarian

This salad is so easy to make and can be a great addition to your meal as a dessert or a healthy snack any time the day.


  • 2 large – Pomegranates
  • 2 large – Pears
  • 2 large – Persimmons
  • 2 large – Honey Crisp apples
  • 4 – Kiwis
  • 6 – Mandarins

Dressing Ingredients:

  • I used this same dressing for the Tropical Fruit Salad. In this recipe however, I switched the mandarin with an orange and used raw honey.
  • 1 large – Orange
  • ½ large – Lemon
  • ¼ cup 60 ml – raw honey
  • ½ tsp. 1.25 ml – poppy seeds


  1. TIP: Make the dressing first and store it in the fridge until ready for use. Fruit like pears and apples brown quickly and should be diced last.
  2. Wash all fruit. Peel, dice, or slice them.
  3. In a large bowl, combine all the fruit together.
  4. Pour previously-prepped dressing over the fruit salad.
  5. Carefully mix and toss to coat.
  6. Serve right away or cover with an air-tight lid and refrigerate until ready to serve.
  7. Enjoy!

Read more our recipe Banana Cream Cake

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