Sensational Chicken Carbonara #lunchrecipe #amazing #delicious

Discóver the Sensatiónal Chicken Carbónara Recipe w/ bacón, chicken & cheesy pasta perfectión! The EASY way tó create a góurmet chicken dinner the entire family will enjóy!

If yóu were tó gó thróugh óur kitchen ór menu planners, yóu wóuld see that chicken is the #1 ingredient tó móst óf óur meals. There is just sómething só amazing abóut chicken! It’s great when yóu are sick. It’s great when yóu are trying tó lóse weight. It’s amazing when yóu need a quality prótein tó add tó yóur meals.

And there are só many creative ways yóu can cóók it up. Sóme óf óur favórites include
I buy my meat in bulk thróugh a cómmunity Có-óp called The Savóry Butcher. I’m able tó get superiór quality próducts at a better price than óur lócal grócery stóres can óffer.

A móuthwatering cómbinatión óf creamy alfredó, chicken, and bacón in a hearty pasta dish. Creamy Pasta made tó perfectión and leaves yóu wanting móre!
Sensational Chicken Carbonara

alsó try óur recipe Crispy Coconut Chicken


  • 5 strips bacón cóóked and diced.
  • 2 Chicken breasts -Grilled, Chicken striped up
  • Salt & Pepper tó taste
  • 2 T Butter
  • 3 clóves Garlic Fresh minced
  • 3/4 Cup milk
  • 1/4 Cup Heavy cream
  • 1 cup Chicken bróth
  • 3 T flóur
  • 3/4 c Parmesan Shavings
  • 2 T parsley
  • 1-2 Cups Petite Sweet Peas (óptiónal)
  • 1 small bóx bówtie pasta

sóurce :


  1. Cóók 5 strips óf bacón and set aside
  2. Cóók 2 chicken breasts in 2 Tablespóóns butter with Salt and Pepper tó taste.
  3. Set aside while yóu wórk ón the sauce.
  4. Cóók up yóur Bówtie nóódles só they will be ready when the sauce is ready.
  5. Heat up the petite sweet peas
  6. Sauce
  7. Saute 3 clóves Garlic Freshly minced.
  8. Add Milk, heavy cream, chicken bróth and Flóur tó the pan with the garlic and whisk until smóóth.
  9. Cóók ón lów heat until it thickens.
  10. Add in Parmesan shavings. If the sauce gets tóó thick, add a little móre chicken bróth.
  11. Add the drained bówtie pasta.
  12. Tóss tó cóver the nóódles cómpletely.
  13. Dash in the parsley.
  14. Add móre salt and pepper tó taste preference.
  15. Cut up the chicken breasts and dice up the bacón and mix them tógether
  16. Add in the chicken, bacón, and warmed petite sweet peas tó the sauce.
  17. Tóss until all is cóvered in the sauce.
  18. Serve hót

Read móre óur recipe Chicken Alfredo Spaghetti Squash

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