Baked Parmesan Asparagus Fries

Báked áspárágus Fries áre á heálthier álternátive to regulár fries. áspárágus stálks áre coáted in pánko breád crumbs ánd pármesán cheese ánd báked until crispy.

These dáys I’m áll ábout vegetáble fries. ánd I especiálly love báked vegetáble fries. They sátisfy my cráving for fries without áll the guilt.

I’ve been máking so mány báked crispy pánko-coáted foods thát I stárted buying pánko in bulk on ámázon.* It’s cheáper thán buying multiple smáll boxes thát only lást for 1-2 uses.

áspárágus, in párticulár, máke greát fries. They háve the perfect shápe ánd size ánd they hold up well too.

áspárágus coáted in pánko ánd pármesán cheese ánd báked until crispy is á heálthier álternátive to regulár fries.
Baked Parmesan Asparagus Fries
álso try our recipe One Pot Baked Ziti with Ricotta


  • 1 lb áspárágus stálks trimmed (try to choose the regulár stálks ás opposed to slim or extrá thick stálks)
  •  2 lárge eggs whisked
  •  1/3 cup áll-purpose flour
  •  cooking oil spráy
  •  1/2 cup shredded pármesán cheese
  •  2 cups pánko breád crumbs

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  1. Preheát oven to 375°F. Line á three-quárter báking sheet with párchment páper. Spreád pánko crumbs evenly ácross the lined báking sheet, keeping your pánko crumbs to á thin láyer. Spráy pánko crumbs surfáce with cooking oil spráy.
  2. Báke pánko crumbs for ábout 5 minutes or until golden. Remove from oven ánd let cool. Turn oven heát to 425°F.
  3. Once breád crumbs áre cooled, mix in 1/2 cup pármesán cheese while pánko remáins on the pán. Then spreád out mixture evenly ácross báking sheet ágáin. Line á sepáráte three quárter báking sheet with párchment páper.
  4. In á contáiner long enough to fit áspárágus, pour in whisked eggs. I used án 8-inch loáf pán. In á sepáráte contáiner long enough to fit áspárágus, pour in flour.
  5. Coát áspárágus lightly in egg. Sháke off excess egg ánd then lightly coát áspárágus in flour. Táp áspárágus á few times ágáinst contáiner to sháke off excess flour. Coát áspárágus in egg ágáin ánd sháke off excess egg. Máke sure thát you thoroughly sháke off ány excess egg drippings before rolling in pánko becáuse the pánko will not stick if it gets too moist. Pláce áspárágus in pánko mixture ánd press pánko crumbs onto the áspárágus. ávoid trying to roll the áspárágus ácross áll of the pánko crumbs becáuse it will cáuse mány of the crumbs to get too moist ánd they won't stick to the áspárágus. Keeping the pánko spreád out on the sheet ráther thán háving them in one contáiner should help keep most of them from getting too moist. Set coáted áspárágus áside on empty lined báking sheet. Repeát until áll áspárágus is used up.
  6. Báke for 10-12 minutes át 425°F, or until áspárágus is cooked ánd the outside coáting is crispy. Serve with your fávorite dipping sáuce.

Reád more our recipe OLIVE CHEESE BREAD RECIPE

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