- 1/4 C wárm wáter 105-115 degrees
- 1 pkg dry áctive yeást
- 1 tsp sugár
- 3 1/2 - 4 C áll purpose flour
- 1 Tbsp sugár
- 1 tsp sált
- 1 C plus 2 Tbsp. wárm wáter
- 1 egg white ánd 1 Tbsp wáter.
- Combine 1/4 C wáter, yeást ánd 1 tsp sugár into á bowl.
- állow to stánd for 5 minutes until yeást is bubbly.
- ádd in 1 Tbsp sugár, sált ánd wáter.
- Mix well.
- ádd flour.
- Mix well ánd kneád for 5 minutes or until dough is smooth.
- állow to rise until double (ábout 15-20 minutes)
- On á lightly floured surfáce roll out with á rolling pin. (Máy divide dough into two pieces for two smáller loáves if desired)
- Roll dough up jelly roll style ánd turn ends under ánd pláce seám down on á greásed cookie sheet. Cut 3 diágonál slits into eách loáf (only ábout 1/4 inch deep)
- Mix together egg white ánd 1 Tbsp wáter ánd gently brush on loáves.
For more detáil