This Northern-style veggie lover Thai coconut soup is an interpretation of one of my preferred Thai soups: Khao Soi. This form is made vegetarian and without gluten by utilizing vegetable stock and supplanting the conventional egg noodles with rice noodles.

Customarily a Khao soi is made with egg noodles, both in the soup and seared ones on top, a chicken leg, and some Indian curry powder notwithstanding the Thai curry glue. You can likewise discover some veggie lover/vegetarian cordial forms of this formula in Thailand obviously, particularly up in Nothern Thailand where it resembles a vegetarian mecca!

My adaptation of a Khao soi avoids the chicken, (duh.) and utilizes rice noodles rather than egg noodles. Be that as it may, hello, on the off chance that you like egg noodles in your soup I state GO FOR IT! On the off chance that you select to utilize egg noodles in this formula and need to go overly customary, you can concoct a large portion of the egg noodles in bubbling water, and after that spare a couple to cook rapidly in some oil to top the soup with. That is the means by which I figured out how to make this soup in cooking class back in Thailand.

This soup is likewise a deliverer on the off chance that you feel any kind of ailment or cold going ahead. It's demonstrated to beat any waiting winter cold you may have! (OK, it's solitary demonstrated by me… yet I swear it works.) I want to influence a major bunch of this soup when I to have a virus to help clear it up. The mix of the considerable number of flavors and ginger truly does some amazing things!

A Northern-style Thai soup made with curry, coconut, and stacked with noodles!

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  • 1  1/2 tbsp avocado oil (or vegetable oil)
  • 1 onion, roughly chopped
  • 4 garlic cloves, roughly chopped
  • 1-inch cube of ginger
  • 1–2 tbsp of Thai red curry paste (*see note)
  • 2 tsp curry powder
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
  • 1 Litre low-sodium vegetable broth
  • 1 cup coconut milk (full-fat from a can)
  • 2–3 tbsp soy sauce (*gf if needed) 
  • 2 tbsp coconut sugar (maple syrup or agave work too)
  • juice of 1/2 lime
  • 7oz rice noodles (about 1/2 a pack)
  • cilantro to top


  1. Heat the avocado oil in a large pot on medium-high heat.
  2. Add the onion and cook on medium heat for 2-3 minutes until translucent. Next, add the garlic and ginger and cook for another minute.
  3. Add the Thai red curry paste, curry powder, turmeric powder, vegetable broth, and coconut milk. Bring to a boil stirring everything together, then lower the heat to medium-low and let simmer for 5 minutes.
  4. Next add in the soy sauce, coconut sugar, and lime juice and stir together. Reduce heat to low and let the soup simmer for another 5 minutes.
  5. While the soup is simmering, cook the rice noodles according to package directions.
  6. Add the rice noodles to the soup.
  7. Serve with fresh cilantro and a lime wedge.

Some brands of Thai curry paste are spicier than others. I’d recommend starting with 1 tbsp and then adding more as needed to your taste. Depending on how salty your vegetable broth is to start, you may need more or less soy sauce. Taste and adjust accordingly.

For more detail :

Read More Our Recipe : Copycat Panera Chicken & Wild Rice Soup 

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