EARL GREY TEA LATTE #drink #coffee

EARL GREY TEA LATTE #drink #coffee

I have constantly adored tea. I recollect when I was growing up, my father had some hot Lipton tea pretty much consistently before bed. Incidentally, I participate on this daily schedule. The warm drink was so alleviating and helped me unwind before making a beeline for rest. While I drink more espresso nowadays, regardless I appreciate tea. Espresso causes me prepare to catch the day, yet tea is the direct inverse. It encourages me unwind and loosen up.

I've had various baron dark tea lattes from Starbucks, however it is extremely decent to have the capacity to make these at home. That way I can remain in my night wear, nestle up with a cover, and simply appreciate. It took some fiddling to get these simply the manner in which I like them, however I'm at last totally content with the outcome. I make these lattes substantially more much of the time since it is cooler outside. There is something about them that makes me think about the occasions. So whenever you have to loosen up following a monotonous day, go through around 5 minutes making one of these – it will make your night that greatly improved.

Formula for lord dark tea latte. Make this café refreshment at home! Spare yourself some cash and an outing to the store.

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EARL GREY TEA LATTE #drink #coffee


  • 1 earl grey tea bag
  • ¾ cup boiling water
  • ¾ cup milk
  • ½ to 1 tablespoon vanilla syrup, depending on desired sweetness*
  • sprinkle of cinnamon


  1. Add the tea bag to a mug and pour in the boiling water. Let steep for about 2 to 3 minutes. Remove the tea bag. Meanwhile, add the milk to a small saucepan set over medium heat. Heat until just steaming (do not let the milk boil). Alternatively, you can heat the milk in the microwave. Add the milk to the mug and stir in the vanilla syrup. Top with a sprinkle of cinnamon and enjoy.
  2. If desired, you can whisk the steamed milk until very frothy before pouring it into the mug (or use a milk frother). I just prefer these lattes without the foam.

*If you do not have vanilla syrup, you can substitute a teaspoon or so of regular granulated sugar and a splash of vanilla extract. Adjust the quantities to your own taste.

For more detail : bit.ly/2VoUaha

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