APPLE SNICKER SALAD #dessert #caramel

APPLE SNICKER SALAD #dessert #caramel

Have you at any point had an Apple Snicker Salad? I'm disclosing to you right since you will LOVE it!! It's kinda similar to a major caramel apple canvassed in nuts and cream. Presently, doesn't that sound heavenly?

My sister made this in the no so distant past and the family authoritatively proclaimed it another top pick. Of course, it's not as solid as a green plate of mixed greens, however I can guarantee you it tastes significantly better and is practically a sweet. On the off chance that you still can't seem to attempt this tasty formula, I prescribe giving it a shot. It's ideal for family parties and grills in the late spring or even fall time to praise caramel apple climate.

Delectable layers of goodness!! Adding this to a glass play makes it look much prettier!

You can't turn out badly with laughs in your plate of mixed greens, isn't that so? I think not! We trust you appreciate this snickers serving of mixed greens as much as we did. 🙂

Heavenly Apple Snickers Salad that is so great thus simple to make! Layers of apples, giggles, and caramel in a rich fixing produced using cool whip, milk, and vanilla pudding blend.

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APPLE SNICKER SALAD #dessert #caramel


  • 4 large green apples
  • 4-5 snickers bars
  • 8 oz cool whip
  • 1 small box vanilla instant pudding
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • caramel


  1. Mix milk and pudding then fold in the cool whip.
  2. Cut up apples and snickers and mix in. Top with caramel. Serve cold or layer and serve cold.

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