Prosciutto Wrapped Asparagus #paleodiet #thanksgiving

Prosciutto Wrapped Asparagus #paleodiet #thanksgiving

The present formula comes affability of current sustenance pattern, the Paleo diet. For those of you who don't have any acquaintance with it's an eating regimen/way of life that holds fast to seeker/gatherer standards while concentrating on entire, natural nourishments like grass-sustained meat, unfenced poultry, wild fish, vegetables, organic products, berries, and a few seeds. Essentially what a cave dweller would eat!

These salty asparagus lances are incredible for engaging visitors or filled in as a starter dish at an evening gathering. I likewise prefer to dunk these in delicate bubbled eggs, rather than toast strips. Make a point to get great quality prosciutto from your nearby shop, it ought to be cut paper slight.

You can pre-wrap the asparagus early and store it in the refrigerator until visitors arrive. It's best served simply off the flame broil. When I originally made these, I utilized the entire prosciutto cut to fold over the asparagus however it was excessively salty so I prescribe utilizing half of the strip as proposed in the guidelines.

Meager bacon rashers could be utilized rather than prosciutto in this formula.

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Prosciutto Wrapped Asparagus #paleodiet #thanksgiving


  • 12 asparagus spears
  • 6 prosciutto slices/strips
  • A little ghee for frying


  1. Wash asparagus and cut 2 cm off the ends. Cut prosciutto strips into two halves, going lengthways, you should end up with 12 strips.
  2. Place each prosciutto strip on a chopping board at a 45 degree angle. Place one of the asparagus spears on top of the meat, perpendicular to it. The tip of the asparagus should be lined up with the bottom of the prosciutto strip. Wrap the bottom end of prosciutto over the asparagus and holding the meat tight, start rolling the asparagus up. The prosciutto strip will wrap around the whole length of the spear because it’s on an angle. You can try a different wrapping method but I find this is a very quick to do it. Don’t worry if parts of the asparagus spears are not covered completely.
  3. Heat some ghee in a large, flat frying pan to sizzling hot. Fry wrapped asparagus spears for 1-2 minutes on each side or until prosciutto is brown and crispy.

For more detail :

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