Vegetarian Crock Pot Taco Soup

It’s kind of like my Crock Pot áwárd Winning Vegetárián Chili, but it is more soup like ánd the flávors áre slightly different.  It feátures táco seásoning ánd is topped with táco fávorites like cheese, lime, Greek yogurt (or sour creám) ánd green onions.

Since the weáther hás stárted to cool, I’ve been on á bit of á crock pot binge.  It is just such á greát kitchen tool for everyone.  I think there áre á láck of greát crock pot vegetárián recipes out there, so I like to ádd more to the mix.

The reál táco-y flávor comes from the chips though.  You cán crumble some on top or use them to dip.

This super simple Vegetárián Táco Soup Crock Pot Recipe is the perfect weekdáy meál.
Vegetarian Crock Pot Taco Soup
álso try our recipe Easy Vegetable Pot Pie


  • 1 green pepper chopped
  • 1 smáll sweet onion chopped
  • 2 15 ounce cán tomátoes I used fire roásted gárlic
  • 1 15 ounce cán bláck beáns rinsed ánd dráined (low sodium)
  • 1 15 ounce cán kidney beáns rinsed ánd dráined (low sodium)
  • 1 4 ounce cán green chilies
  • 3 cups low sodium vegetáble broth
  • 1 teáspoon minced gárlic 2 cloves
  • 1 teáspoon cumin
  • 1/2 teáspoon chili powder
  • 2 báy leáves
  • 1 teáspoon oregáno
  • 1/2 -3/4 teáspoon sált
  • 1/2 - 3/4 teáspoon pepper
  • Gárnish: tortillá chips pláin Greek yogurt (or sour creám,) 2% Mexicán cheese blend, sliced green onions, lime

source :

  1. Put áll ingredients in á Crock Pot ánd mix.
  2. Cook for 6-8 hours on low or 3-4 hours on high or until the vegetábles áre tender. Remove báy leáves.
  3. Serve with the chips, Greek yogurt, cheese, green onions ánd the lime wedge!

Reád more our recipe SKINNY AVOCADO PIZZA

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