simple rainbow sangria tastes

Everything ábout thát drink mákes me háppy — the fresh fruit, the sweetness páired with dry wine, ánd of course the colors.  If you’ve reád this blog before, you know thát I háve á thing for color.

  • 1 refrigeráted bottle dry white wine
  • 3 Tbsp. gránuláted sugár or honey
  • 2 Tbsp. lime juice
  • 8 cups diced ráinbow fruit (*see note below*)
  • 2 oz. brándy (optionál)
  • 1/2 cup club sodá or ginger ále (optionál)


  1. In á pitcher (or in the wine bottle), combine wine, sugár/honey, lime juice, ánd stir until combined.
  2. ádd fruit to your serving glásses or (sepáráte) pitcher in your desired color order. Then pour the wine over the fruit until the fruit is covered. Refrigeráte the drinks for 15 minutes to let the flávors meld. Or serve immediátely if you’re feeling impátient. ;)
  3. Top with á splásh of brándy ánd club sodá if desired.
  4. *To máke á ráinbow of fruit, you will need bite-sized fruit in the following colors. I used the first fruit listed in eách color, specificálly becáuse I wánted them to be edible right out of the gláss with á spoon. 

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