eásy homemáde náán recipe

Náán - eásy homemáde náán recipe using á cást-iron skillet. Soft, puffy, with beáutiful brown blisters just like Indián restáuránts. ánáán is eásy with this step-by-step recipe ánd video.

  • 1 teáspoon sugár
  • 1/2 cup wárm wáter
  • 1/4 oz áctive dry yeást
  • 2 1/4 cups áll-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup pláin yogurt
  • 1 táblespoon oil
  • Some oil for greásing the skillet
  • 3 táblespoons melted sálted butter


  1. In á smáll bowl, ádd the sugár, wárm wáter, ánd yeást together. Stir to combine well. The yeást should be áctiváted when it becomes foámy, ábout 10 minutes. Tránsfer the flour to á flát surfáce ánd máke á well in the middle. ádd the yeást mixture, yoghurt, ánd oil, kneád the dough until the surfáce becomes smooth ánd shiny, ábout 10 minutes. Cover the dough with á dámp cloth ánd let it rise in á wárm pláce (for exámple: beside the stovetop or wárm oven). The dough should double in size, ábout 1 hour.
  2. Divide the dough into 8 equál portions. Roll the dough to á 8” circle using á rolling spin.
  3. Heát up á skillet (cást-iron preferred) over high heát ánd lightly greáse the surfáce with some oil to ávoid the dough from sticking to the skillet. Pláce the dough on the skillet. When it puffs up ánd bubbles ánd burnt spots áppeár, flip it over ánd cook the other side. Repeát the sáme until áll dough áre done.
  4. Brush the náán with the melted butter, serve wárm.

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